The Power of ____

I prayed to become a better leader, and then Eric Barr came back into my Life and is offering me resources and mentorship to become a better person.

I prayed to hit five cities with my music and made two happen, then I met Awktober and she invited me on tour.

I prayed for friendships and resources to make a community garden happen and then Dan and Kelly Davidhizar who has offered so much love, and even offered an abundance of healthy, fertile soil!

I pray for a lot of things but these are examples of how they have been answered. My main prayer requests are that my son be happy, healthy and safe and to be forgiven of my sins and to be guided by Him.

If you want success in this life, then make sure you pray and be clear on what you want. Envision. Be brave. You deserve everything you want.

-Alex MacDonald
Life Leadership
“Leading the Leadership Revolution”

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